

Whether You Sit or Stand, Let’s Talk About Workstation Ergonomics

Workstation Ergonomics Dice





找到適合您擺放並且可以自由移動的墊子。 許多人建議使用Ergodriven Topo,因為它可以支持不同的姿勢,但是CumulusPRO平板墊也很棒。
符合人體工學原理的Topo強調,僅僅站在辦公桌旁並不符合人體工程學。 您應該經常轉移平衡; 站立的書桌並不意味著您必須要一直站直。


螢幕的底部應該要些微的往上頃斜讓眼睛可以輕鬆的看到整個螢幕,你不會希望在看螢幕底部時讓眼睛很吃力,太平的螢幕會扭曲您所看到的畫面。 從人機工程學角度講,這也鼓勵您進入一個好的位置。

不論是坐著或站著,不要在一個位置待太久,如果你是坐著,記得每小時起身去動一動,如果是站著,現在就離開你的位置去走走吧 。

滑鼠對於健康的傷害性更加深遠,蘋果的Magic Mouse 2是一個很好的例子。它看起來很棒,但是卻太瘦,對某些人來說是人體工程學上的災難。 像鍵盤一樣,一個滑鼠好不好用是主觀的且複雜的,因此請找到最適合您的滑鼠。
我們也建議給觸控板一個機會(如果您尚未使用過的話)。 許多人發現手勢比使用滑鼠更自然,而且不必特殊的改變即可同時支持左手和右手。 如果找不到適合您需求的滑鼠,請給觸控板個機會。 對於那些對Apple產品感興趣的人,我們還建議使用TwelveSouth的Magic Bridge,它將Magic Keyboard和Magic Trackpad 神奇地結合在一起。

不需要滿足高端名牌商品的需求。如果那把3,000美元的辦公椅不適合您的後背,請不要購買。如果$ 80宜家椅子對您來說感覺更好,請盡情享受。我們對站立式辦公桌也是如此;許多人將重點放在桌面的製造材料上,而不是在意人體工程學。當然,再生木材很酷,但用辦公桌能被手搖動就不好。

PS. 而壓力就是另一個完全不同的話題了。

When we talk about workstation ergonomics, most of us think we’re doing it right – and we might not be. If summer is a good time to clean up around the home, it’s also a good time to make sure your workstation or cubicle is in good ergonomic condition.
We definitely agree with some of the more rigid views on ergonomics (so to speak), but there is some wiggle-room there, as well. One key consideration is that your workstation should fit you, even if you don’t have a dedicated space.

Your Chair

First, a desk chair should be comfortable. The seat shouldn’t be too long for your thighs, and it shouldn’t cut off halfway down your thigh, either; it should reach the back of your knee, or just shy of there. The back should be ergonomically sound and support your lower spine. If it doesn’t, consider an add-on lumbar support.
The chair’s arms should be high enough that your forearms can sit comfortably on them without you slouching or leaning. The base should be solid and not leave you worrying whether you’ll topple over. If your feet don’t touch the floor in this comfy chair, find something to rest them on under your desk.
An adjustable back (i.e., one that leans back) is fine, though not necessary. A desk chair should be comfortable and ergonomically sound, not something you want to nap in.

The Desk

There’s not a lot to say about a desk, other than it should be sturdy. For a “normal” sitting desk, it should be at a height that’s comfortable for typing. It shouldn’t be too high or low; your wrists will suffer as a result. Most often, this is at about the same height as your desk arms should be, which keeps your forearms at roughly a 90-degree angle to your upper arms.
For standing or sit-stand desks, things get a bit more interesting. First, make sure the desk can raise to a height that’s comfortable for you when standing. You should also make sure that, when you’re using a stand desk, your forearm/wrist ergonomics are the same as we’ve described for when you’re sitting. (As a tall person, my stand desk’s top height is perfect for me – but if I were any taller, it simply wouldn’t work.)
You should also consider times you may want to lean on a stool. If that’s you, is your desk adjustable to that height? Many stand desks have presets, and we encourage those of you with those types of desk to take a few minutes and set heights you feel comfortable working at to make it easier for sitting/standing/leaning work.

Stand Desk Mats

If you’re standing at your desk, please don’t stand on hard ground. You will want to shift and move, and doing so on hard ground is just bad for your joints. Knees, hips, and ankles are not bullet-proof.
Find a mat that’s comfortable for you, fits in your space, and allows you to move around freely. Many suggest the Ergodriven Topo because it encourages different postures, but the CumulusPRO flat mat is also great.
The Ergodriven Topo underscores that simply standing at your desk is not sound ergonomics. You should shift your balance often; standing desks don’t mean you have to be rigid.

The Monitor

However wide your monitor is, the top of it should hit your eyes as you look straight forward. This encourages you to sit or stand in an ergonomically sound position.
The bottom of your screen should tilt slightly up so the entire screen is easy on the eyes. You don’t want to strain to look at the bottom of your monitor, and having it flat distorts what you see. This also encourages you to move from a good position, ergonomically speaking.
If you find your screen doesn’t suit your needs as designed, we suggest investing in a monitor arm. A good one (like those from Ergotron) are well worth the initial spend. If you’re on a budget, there’s nothing wrong with putting your monitor and stand on a few books. Most monitor stands adjust down, but if yours doesn’t, we highly suggest a good monitor arm.

Moving Around

Whether you sit or stand, don’t stay in one place too long. If you’re sitting, get up and move around every hour or so. If you stand, walk away now and then.
Standing desks can also leave you with stiff muscles, so feel free to do some stretching while at work. It’s never a good idea to sit or stand in one position too long.

Mice, Trackpads, and Keyboards

A keyboard, by and large, is a keyboard. If you are having wrist issues (or any chronic pain) see a doctor. As it relates to keyboards, your doctor may ask you to use a split keyboard. Otherwise, find one that’s comfortable to use with the aforementioned ergonomic standards. A “cool” keyboard might not be ergonomically sound for you, and your health matters more than which switches are under your keys.
Mice can be far more destructive. A great example is Apple’s Magic Mouse 2. It looks wonderful, but it’s slim, and an ergonomic disaster for some. Like keyboards, mice are subjective and plentiful, so find one that works best for you.
We also suggest giving trackpads a whirl (if you don’t already use one). Many find gestures to be more natural than using a mouse, and you don’t have to find a special design if you’d rather use your left hand for navigating. If you’re not finding a mouse that suits your needs, give a trackpad a shot. For those interested in Apple’s offerings, we also suggest the Magic Bridge from TwelveSouth, which keeps a Magic Keyboard and Magic Trackpad together. Magically.

Your Workstation Should Work for You

The human body went through a long process of evolution, and each body is unique. Sadly, the standard workstation isn’t so special, so you may need to tweak yours to suit your needs. And it should work for you.
Don’t feel the need to settle for high-end, name-brand items. If that $3,000 office chair doesn’t work for your back, don’t buy it. If the $80 IKEA chair feels better to you, by all means, enjoy it. We’d say the same for standing desks; many focus on what material the table top is manufactured from, instead of how ergonomically sound it can be. Sure, reclaimed wood is cool, but cranking your desk by hand is not.
You shouldn’t be in pain at the end of your day, or even during it. One thing we can say about the majority of human bodies is they are made for motion, and any stagnation is poor form. It’s also bad for your eyes and mind to stare endlessly at a screen all day. Change things up a bit!
Various studies suggest sitting too long is akin to cancer, and others say standing desks are not the whole solution to our stagnant lifestyles. We’d suggest doing what feels right without being too brave, or lazy. If your butt is numb, it’s time to stand for a bit, or at least move around. If your knees, back, or ankles hurt, try sitting instead of standing at work for a while. If your hands hurt, stop typing for a couple of minutes.
Even the young and vibrant are getting older every day, and our bodies deteriorate slowly. Nothing can reverse aging, but following some ergonomic best practices can at least prevent your job from aging you prematurely – at least physically. Stress is an entirely different topic.
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[好片分享] 魔鬼終結者:黑暗宿命 觀後感

身為70年代的人,魔鬼終結者在我的童年佔有無可取代的位置,第一集是1984年上映,那時還太小沒跟上,直到經典第二集上映後才跟著把一二集一起看完。要知道第二集上映的當時(1991),電影動畫還沒現在那麼厲害,在當時真的是科幻大作,相當於阿凡達上映時的盛況。 片中最令人津津樂道的就是它對未來世界的描述、時空旅行的概念、亡命追逐的緊張刺激,加上在主角們逃亡的過程中,角色之間情感的建立與連結。以上提到的每一項在魔鬼終結者2中都完美的呈現,毫不馬虎。整部電影你看到的不只是動作爽片,而是一部充滿溫度、感情的史詩級科幻驚悚動作片。 這個經典在接下來的三十幾年,直到現在,都無法被超越。 對,真的無法被超越,包括這部號稱正宗第三集的"魔鬼終結者:黑暗宿命",我認為還是不及格。但還是值得看,因為男女主角一起回歸真的是太難得,的確值得花錢支持。 其實在第二集之後出了3、4、5,每一集也不是說拍得很糟,都各有各的特色,但是就是感覺跟第二集接不起來。要馬就是反派設定感覺太弱、不然就是選角不適合、或是氣氛營造很差、角色之間沒有互動感...等等。直到這一次第二集的男女主角終於一起回歸的時刻,但很可惜的,我覺得劇情對於三十幾年的影迷來說,很傷心又失落。 主要是在整部的時間點是接續在第二集後,莎拉康納帶著約翰康納逃過T1000的追殺,解決了所有來自未來的科技晶片,也就意味著天網的未來被改變了。這樣的狀況對於莎拉和兒子約翰是如此完美的句點,在拯救未來之後母子終於可以過上平凡幸福的人生,這對於廣大的影迷來說是最欣慰的結局。但是要拍續集當然不能只停在這美好的結局,一定要有新的故事來繼續冒險,這我接受,但是!!但是我不能接受的是!! 為什麼要把約翰康納賜死!?而且還是在一開始就用回憶的方式直接給他斃命,還是被他最信任的T800幹掉!我們這些影迷等了三十年!!三十年!!然後你用片頭的3分鐘告訴鐵粉們第二集他們逃得半死、努力半天結果是約翰康納還是被幹掉了!? 我一直以來就很希望能看到莎拉和兒子約翰的續集,很想劇情能多著墨這對母子之間的故事,但是第三集說約翰長大結果莎拉死了,第四集時空背景在未來沒有莎拉,第五集時空背景在莎拉年輕時,也沒有和約翰的互動。然後現在好不容易這集時間點接續第二集之後,想說可以看到長大的約翰和莎

[好物分享] 新相機SONY RX100 VA (SONY RX100 5A) and 我的相機進化史

最近買了一款新的相機 SONY RX100 VA (SONY RX100 5A)。 先放上RX100各代的比較: 型號 RX100 VII RX100 VI RX100 VA RX100 IV RX100 III 發表日期 2019 / 07 2018 / 06 2016 / 10 2015 / 06 2014 /05 建議售價 38,980 元 34,980 元 26,980 元 22,980 元 17,980 元 感光元件 2010 萬畫素 1 吋堆疊式 CMOS 2010 萬畫素 1 吋堆疊式 CMOS 2010 萬畫素 1 吋堆疊式 CMOS 2010 萬畫素 1 吋堆疊式 CMOS 2010 萬畫素 1 吋背照式 CMOS 感光度 原生 100-12800 拓展 64-25600 原生 ISO 125-12800 拓展 ISO 80-25600 ISO 125-12800 ISO 125-12800 ISO 125-12800 焦距/光圈 24-200mm F2.8-4.5 24-200mm F2.8-4.5 24-70mm F1.8-F2.8 24-70mm F1.8-F2.8 24-70mm F1.8-F2.8 最近對焦距離 8cm / 100cm 8cm / 100cm 5cm / 30cm 5cm / 30cm 5cm / 30cm 對焦點 357點相位 425點對比 315點相位 25點對比 315點相位 25點對比 25點對比 25點對比 對焦速度 0.02 秒 0.03 秒 0.05 秒 眼控對焦(人類) O O O O O 眼控對焦(動物) O -- -- -- -- 錄影時支援眼控對焦(人類) O -- -- -- -- 電子快門 O O O O -- 快門速度 30s - 1/32,000s 30s - 1/32,000s 30s - 1/32,000s 30s - 1/32,000s 1s - 1/2,000s 連拍速度 20 / 10 / 3 FPS 無黑螢幕 24 / 10 / 3 FPS 24 / 10 / 3.5 FPS 16 / 5.5 FPS 10 / 2.9 FPS 螢幕 3 吋 92.1 萬點